Phacelia (Tanacetifolia), Stala
Stala variety is a cover crop and bee forage, rated among the top 20 honey producing flowers. It is comparable to buckwheat in many ways. Buckwheat germinates more rapidly, especially at higher temperatures, and phacelia is more tolerant of cold and drought. It grows well in dry soil. Phacelia has rapid establishment and is quick to flower (6-8 weeks) and flowers for up to 8 weeks. It reduces soil erosion and improves soil structure.
- Use as a fall/winter catch crop/mulch. Produces abundant biomass and does a good job of catching excess Ca and nitrates before they leach into the ground water. Appropriate when it will be followed by a vigorous cash crop, like potatoes, in early spring.
- Ideal as a catch crop for oilseed rotations (non-host for club root disease)
- Intercrop option with maize and sugar beet (data shows phacelia reduces the population of the sugar beet nematode, Heterodera schachtii).
- Cover crop in vineyards and apple orchards (beneficial insects).
- Forage option in COVERGRAZETM mixtures.
Excellent pollinator value
Seeding rate
- 5-8kg/ha
160 in stock
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